The Libra Centre.

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Working with Cycles.

Working with the Zodiac. The seasonal tides of life offer a way of working with Nature, the Zodiac can be thought of as the moods of Nature, instead of being oblivious to the many cycles in Nature and trying to go against the flow. Reading about the current Zodiac sign will help you tune into the tides of life.

On this website you will find many other simple and straight forward ways of tuning in to the natural cycles which affect every aspect of all our lives.

Capricorn ( December 22nd to January 20th )


The Sun's entry into Capricorn marks the Winter Solstice and a new stage begins. This is the time when the ground plan for the next cycle is begun. Having thought ahead in Sagittarius, one now begins the steady plod in Capricorn. Farmers traditionally ploughed their fields and trimmed their hedges at this time of year in preparation for the next season and in readiness to sow new crops.

In most countries it is still the start of a new financial year, a time to put the past, with any associated remorse, behind and to begin again with a new cycle. The great feast of this period is of course Yule, when we celebrate the return of the light, from this day forth days begin to get longer until the Summer Solstice. We tend to think of a new Sun being born and growing in strength. Symbolically in the Christian tradition, Christ, the new light, is born in the dark, in a stable.

Similarly much of the work of Capricorn is done indoors, working on accounts, financial forecasts, buying in raw materials and new equipment etc.. Unlike Sagittarius it is not a time suited to imaginative thinking, particularly after the twelve days of Christmas. Rather it is one of tedious but necessary ground work without which no serious project would ever succeed. Winter solstice or Yule (now Christmas) is a time for family reunion and the following of tradition as a socially stabilising factor. Things are as they are, regardless of what individuals might want, and if we cannot accept this, then we risk being left out in the cold: the approval or disapproval of others, and our responsibility in the fulfilment of what is expected of us dictate this. We're all in the same boat, and sink or swim together. Social forms give continuity and resilience to collective life, so we might as well get on with it, for in these, we find protection while the light is low. Capricorn is the soil in which the seed of the individual plant lies dormant, waiting.

This means then that during this period we should welcome the light prepare for a new beginning. The period is ruled by Saturn and many find it confusing that the cold dire Saturn should rule over such a time of celebration. The Roman's held a great feast at this time of year called Saturnalia. In our days, for most of us isolated from the season and natural cycles of light and dark, growth and decay, we would do well to remember the that no planet is all bad for without Saturn we would surly not have survived this far, Traditionally weak livestock not expected to survive the winter were slaughtered now so there was a sense of plenty. We would not have the determination to begin again. When we think of the many new years resolutions that are made and broken before the end of this period we are reminded of the true nature of this time, which is to rid ourselves of the old to make way for the new, no matter what the cost it must be done or we will spend the next twelve months repeating old patterns. This is the time to hang on in and make plans to insure it does not get this bad next time.

Select other Zodiac Signs.

Aries - March 21st to April 19th
Taurus - April 20th to May 21st
Gemini - May 21st to June 21st
Cancer - June 21st to July 23rd
Leo - July 23rd to August. 22nd
Virgo - August 23 to September 23
Libra - September 24 to October 23
Scorpio - 24 October to November 21
Sagittarius - 22 November to December 22
Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
Aquarius - January 20th to February 19th
Pisces - February 19th to March 21st