The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

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Working with Cycles.

Working with the Zodiac. The seasonal tides of life offer a way of working with Nature, the Zodiac can be thought of as the moods of Nature, instead of being oblivious to the many cycles in Nature and trying to go against the flow. Reading about the current Zodiac sign will help you tune into the tides of life.

On this website you will find many other simple and straight forward ways of tuning in to the natural cycles which affect every aspect of all our lives.

Gemini ( May 21st to June 21st )


The time of Gemini is said to be a happy playful time when the young of the forest are born and exploring their world. The Butterfly gaily flits from flower to flower. It is the last days of Spring and Summer is just around the corner. The air is electric with perfume and joy.

Gemini is the playful child of the Zodiac. So what can we all learn from this time of year? What are the tides of this time?

Having fun is a very important aspect of life as is being as a child. Is it not a prescript of all the major religions, though stated in different terms. That in order to enter the kingdom of heaven we should be as a child. So what does this actually mean. To understand this we need to understand the full meaning of the sign of Gemini on a soul level rather than a personal level for I feel that there is a great gulf between the mundane and the spiritual interpretations of Gemini.

I use the word gulf purposely because crossing the gulf is something which Gemini has the ability to do. On the Tree of Life it is the Path between Binah and Tiphereth. This is not really the place to enter into a Qabalistic discourse, but briefly stated it links the higher realms with the lower which traverses the gulf or abyss on the way. Thus becoming a channel between the gods and man.

Gemini is said to be the sign of communication, but not everyone realises what level of communication is possible through this sign. The key lies in the other attribute of Gemini, that of being fun loving and child like or put another way never taking things to seriously and maintaining that sense of wonderment and joy which children have. Observe children and learn from then. When we can accept with wonder and joy, instead of series cynicism, the channel will be opened and light will pour forth.

Many people believe children to be naturally psychic perhaps we can recapture that gift, by being as a child.

I am not saying that we should not question and test, but allow it to be in the present, the past has a tendency to become distorted and irrelevant, a child has very little past and therefore lives very much in the present. Allow the past to pass away, live in joy, wonderment and the present and let the future take care of itself, these are the lessons of Gemini and this is the tide of the time.

Select other Zodiac Signs.

Aries - March 21st to April 19th
Taurus - April 20th to May 21st
Gemini - May 21st to June 21st
Cancer - June 21st to July 23rd
Leo - July 23rd to August. 22nd
Virgo - August 23 to September 23
Libra - September 24 to October 23
Scorpio - 24 October to November 21
Sagittarius - 22 November to December 22
Capricorn - December 22nd to January 20th
Aquarius - January 20th to February 19th
Pisces - February 19th to March 21st