The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.



This morning we moved backward to the original Mission discovered in that bedsit in 1996. This was when the philosophy was discovered of 'The advancement of Spiritual Science. The fulfilment of Human Potential. Harmony and Unity.' This still stands and was worked with throughout the years of The Libra Centre's engagement in working in the Mind/Body/Spirit Arena. However, the main part was lost or set aside while everyday commercial and none commercial engagement became the stronger focus while maintaining the original philosophy so The Libra Centre was never a get rich, profit orientated business it was still a business because of the very practical demands of the real world and making a living. Originally though the Mission was to establish a Worldwide Network of Centre's all dedicated to the same philosophy but with the added task of creating connections with governments and corporations to present a political and commercial philosophy the same as our own, thereby promoting a better world.

What now? It felt like I had failed in my Mission and that was that, better luck next time and after all it did appear that there was no rush as on Spiritual Evolutional time scales I judged that the fulfilment of this Mission was at least 10,000 years away so I would never of attained it in one lifetime and of course Spirit would never leave the job to one man, there would be many more individuals around the world who were linked to the same Mission. This meant that I could still play my part by reaching out to others who would commit to the Mission and Philosophy.

One issue that may be possible would be to form a charity and then donate this property to it as the place and the energies associated with it is important. Then it would need caretakers to be found to continue the work. Such caretakers would have a home at The Libra Centre and the ability to work from the premises to sustain themselves and the property. Of course I would need to ensure that the charity and its assets could never be dissolved.

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