The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.

The First Swirlings.

The very fact that you are reading this is evidence of an evolving — spirituality within you. But what does this mean? What is spirituality and what is its purpose? First then we need to define spirituality:

Spirituality is the development and recognition of the divine spark within, which is spirit. which is the part of ourselves, that is considered higher, more refined and ; less distinct in terms of values and judgements. The body and the mind can in many ways highlight our uniqueness whereas the spirit highlights our oneness.

Spirituality is a higher state of evolution. One may consider the crystal as displaying a higher order than igneous rock because of its definite structure and qualities, in fact it could be thought of as the first signs of ordered existence and therefore ‘life’. Further up the ladder of evolution comes vegetable matter in varying degrees of complexity. After |this comes the animal kingdom where further qualities are exhibited, note that biologist find it very difficult to define a line between the vegetable and animal kingdoms. Similarly there is much controversy as to the nature of mankind, but given time and study you may well come to agree with me in that man is distinct from animal by nature of his/her qualities. Man as a species was able to evolve higher qualities, for though he may contain all the qualities of the lower kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal, he also contains within him the next stage which is the spiritual. Now, the spiritual is a realm of its own and is in existence as a separate kingdom, thus we have known to us the mineral, vegetable, animal, and spiritual kingdoms. The mineral may not evolve into a vegetable as the vegetable may not evolve into an animal. Mankind is unique in that man can move through the species from animal to spiritual and continue on from there 'man is potentially higher than the angels’.

Therefore, the meaning and purpose of spirituality is clear, it is one step in the evolution of mankind. It is a perfectly natural process, it |does not make you strange or a weirdo, though these feelings are common when we first recognise these first swirlings of spirituality within us or as some would say when we first step on ‘the path’

It is difficult to describe the first signs of spirituality for they are many and varied but usually it is as though one has taken a step up a mountain and now ones view of the world is different and expanded. This first swirling of spirituality is distinct from a religious experience which is a recognition of something higher whereas spirituality is becoming - something higher. This is why it is not necessary to be religious to develop spirituality, though it is much akin to walking backwards up a mountain, far better to look up and be drawn up the mountain, with occasional stops to turn and admire the view.

It should be pointed out perhaps, at this early juncture that you may well feel that as you tread on, up this mountain slope that you are leaving people behind. This can prove a painful experience for some and can result in people refusing to go further. How understandable, yet how sad. For as you tread that path you make it easier for people to follow and you are playing out your destined role. Each person who attains a higher spirituality raises the total spiritual condition of mankind and this is the Divine Plan and the main aim of The Libra Centre is to aid this Divine Plan in any way possible but mainly in assisting the individual. Every step that every individual makes creates a better world.

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