The Libra Centre.

The Libra Centre is dedicated to:
The Fulfilment of Human Potential, The Advancement of Spiritual Science, Harmony and Unity.


I was asked a very broad question the other day. "How do I implement change?" They followed with "I have always found it difficult to make changes but now it seems I must if I am to move on with my life. So is there an easy method of implementing change in my life.?" I gave an answer but it may not have been the one they wanted.

While implementing change is always difficult an painful it is not the hardest step one must take, for in order to implement change one must make room for change and that has to be done first.
So to simplify, suppose you want to change your sofa, well first you must get rid of the old sofa. Yes, I realise that is not the sort of change you are asking about but the principle holds true on all levels. To break a habit is difficult because our brains are actually hard wire to perform that habit, this is why repetition is necessary to learn a new skill, we keep repeating the same task over and over and the brain gets rewired to that task.
To consider then a solution to implementing change, we have to practice, and if we are to replace an action or habit we must replace that habit with the new, consciously, many times until the new becomes the norm. However, one must always remember that our habits and practices, even our view-points have been set-up and wired in our brains for a long time. Implementing change is not easy it takes time. Now sometimes it is not easy to see directly that which needs to be replaced, example if I wish to be more caring and compassionate, where and in what way am I not being caring and compassionate. This requires much introspection and that in itself can be uncomfortable and painful. So implementing change involves several steps, each with its own difficulties. While the details will change in every case, the basics most be observed, try to be methodical and think of it as a quest or journey. You cannot just teleport to a new place, change is life and life is a journey.
Good look on you quest.

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