The Libra Centre.

We are One - a Better You makes a Better World.

Let us help you be a Better You and so create a Better World.

So this is me.

I have been working to make this website more interactive so have added a comment system to each page where you can tell me what you think, no need to hold back I appreciate constructive criticism, how else is anyone going to grow. So have at it. I have also added a forum script where you could ask questions or answer questions but remember to be polite, I can take criticism but others may not.

On another level I wanted to be able to express myself in a personal way, so you get the feeling that there is a real person behind this website not just an article author. I am also hoping that it will be a little cathartic for me because expressing feelings has also been a difficult business for me, I am fine with other people’s feelings but not my own. In fact when asked how I felt I would reply ‘I think’. This is my dominant Air in my astrological chart, making thinking the dominant function and feeling (Water) the inferior function. Which means that the inferior function can reside in the deepest shadowy part of my being until something happens, then it comes flooding out and everyone had better stand back. This was demonstrated recently when, as most of you know already my deepest love Theresa pasted away. Oh what a mess that made of me and is still affecting me now. Add to that the fact that we were so close, living and working together, it was as though two had become one so now where does that leave me? I am still trying to figure out who I am and I am starting to realise that when I finally figure it out I will be a different person or at least have totally different perspective on life and how I want to live it. But we will see, now I have bared an intimate part of me I wonder what you will think in the comments below.

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